Archiculture Teaser from arbuckle industries on Vimeo.
I do not normally post this type of thing here on the blog but it brought back so many emotions from when I was in my five years of school, that it was worth more than just a twitter retweet. Above you’ll find a teaser video for the film Archiculture. According to their website: “Archiculture is a feature-length documentary that explores the role that architecture and design play in our daily lives. The film follows five architecture students through their final senior design projects in order to shed light on the critical issues impacting our built environment.”
Having not seen the movie and only the teaser, I think the greater piece of the film is showing the process students have to go through to create a final piece of work. Originally WanderingArchitect was going to be a blog about my final year, but in all the hustle and bustle that is architecture, got put on the back burner and never saw the light of day. I am glad that someone else thought it was a good idea. Truly I am looking forward to the film and to quote my friend Sean Burke at SBD Consulting, “I cannot wait for it to begin making the art house rounds.”