Obviously the site has not been given the love and attention it needs. This is of course due to a variety of things such as school, spring break and my own slice of procrastination. However it is a new term and my last term of school at the University of Oregon and I have a full year of backlogged stuff to turn out so sit back, relax and enjoy the upcoming posts.
You might be wondering about the picture? Well that is a picture I took during my spring break of an army bunker atop Hawk Hill in the Marin Headlands of San Fransico, California. If you have not been there I definitely reccomend it, espcially if you can time it around sunset! The contrast of the natural landscape against the patina of the deteriorating bunkers is beautiful and the view above The Golden Gate is breathtaking! All in all, an amazing trip. Enough to jumpstart me from 0 to 60 into my last term. Stay tuned for more…